Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform

Congress and the Senate passed it and Americans everywhere seemed to be upset with it. I have no clue as to why they are upset but they are.
Many countries have what Americans consider socialized medicine. Canada has it, so does England. The people there complain about it but they are never talking about how they would be better off without it.
I have no insurance at all now that I am retired. I cannot afford any. I cannot get Medicare or Medi-Cal because I am too young for one and too old for the other. So, if I get ill I am out of luck. I cannot afford insurance premiums every month nor can I afford an out of pocket doctor/hospital visit. Basically I am up the creek without a paddle.
So I am looking forward to seeing just what this new health care reform bill can do for people like me. And I think it has been long overdue in coming. I remember in the 1960's people were discussing the possibilities of some sort of socialized medicine. That was almost fifty years ago.
So, let Americans grumble about it. That is their right, to complain. I wonder why they are complaining is all.

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