Monday, March 15, 2010


In the beginning, in an effort to assist farmers somehow, Daylight Savings time made some sense. But why do we still use it? With all the modernization of farming machines and techniques, do they still need an extra hour of daylight?
I have to admit that the whole thing has never made any sense to me. I always thought that farmers worked from sun up to sun down anyway so why did they care what time the clock said it was? And, if you were working your tail off out in the fields would you really want to do it for another hour? What id your boss held a meeting and told you that (same pay) you were now going to work nine hours per day instead of eight? Would you be thrilled or would you be looking for another job somewhere?
I don't like changing the time, never have, never will. It's just me, I don't care when the sun shines longer or shorter. As long as the sun shines, I'm happy.
I guess the only good thing about the time change is that it lets me know that a season is soon to end. In this case, the season being Winter, this makes me very happy. I like Winter less than I like Daylight Savings time changes.

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