Thursday, September 2, 2010


They may be adults, but sometimes the players on the game site I moderate chat for sound like little children crying.
The site went down today while it is at its busiest. Hey, sites go down, it's part of internet life. Yes, we were extremely busy running a lot of games. Yes, they were all games that pay out more than most of our games. But, and this is the important part, the site is free! Nobody lost any money, they just lost the game they were playing.
But, once the site is back up into the lobby they come, in droves. All crying and moaning and groaning that they lost. Well, I feel for them. I was almost to the getting some cash part of my game when the site died. But the big difference is I am telling them it's not life threatening or anything, there is always the next game, the site is free, and all they are doing is crying into their beer.
What a bunch of babies. It is the internet people. You want real life turn off the computer and play games like people did before the internet.

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