Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Music And Cake

I was sitting here writing the last blog entry while my wife was looking at some Avon magazines that were just dropped off a little while ago. Suddenly she starts to chuckle so I have to ask what is so funny in that Avon book. A musical cake server.
Now, I am surprised that my wife would laugh at such a thing. From a male standpoint, I just roll my eyes at such things, thinking this must be a woman thing.
The only time I can think of when you have music and cake is birthdays and you have just sung Happy Birthday to the birthday person so why on earth would you need a musical cake server?
There must be some reason that I haven't thought of and there must be lots of folks out there that think this is a great idea otherwise I am certain that it would not be in an Avon book.
Must be a woman thing...

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