Monday, January 7, 2013

Simple Days

I wake up and cough so I know I am alive :-P I get up and start the day with the cough, a cigarette and coffee. I check my game site mails then my emails, hoping there is nothing serious going on. Once that is out of the way I collect the game items on Facebook for myself, my wife and my daughter. I do this while looking at ads on the PTC sites that I am a member of, making my pennies here and there :) I have started the new year off with a couple of new PTC sites that have arrived on the scene and am hoping they will not disappear before I can make the cashout.I also am doing the click grid games on these sites in the search for even more cents. These are the new PTC sites, just in case you'd like to give them a try along with me :) STATIC Banner

Every Click makes Every Bux! Hope all of you are having a great start to your new year :)