Thursday, November 4, 2010

Different Day, Same Garbage

It is now just past five o'clock in the afternoon. It is a lovely day outside, the temperatures hit into the 90's today and it is still 89 degrees at the moment. The birds are chirping happily and dogs are frisky and happy as well. The only one unhappy appears to be me.
I am not totally unhappy. I did give up waiting for the UPS man to deliver the package from Hades and go cash my monthly check so that I can pay the rent. Want to ensure that I continue living in the house that no one can find!
So, now that I am back home I can continue waiting for something that surely is not coming today. With my luck the man came and found no one home in the half an hour that we were gone. *sigh*
Another bright note for the day was that I got paid some money for writing assignments. Thirty five dollars into my PayPal account. I have almost one hundred again which will certainly be great as Christmas shopping time is getting nearer.
I hope your day has been a great day too!

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