Monday, November 1, 2010

What A Night

Not the Four Seasons hit song, just a thought of what a night. In fact, what a terrible night! The only blessing is that it finally ended.
It started off with coughing fits. Something appeared to be stuck in my throat and it wouldn't shake itself loose. I tried eating a piece of bread, drinking plain ordinary water instead of coffee, I even tried gargling with warm salt water. Nothing worked.
I took some Tylenol PM and headed for bed and sleep. The coughing had subsided and I thought the worst was over. Wrong!
I managed to sleep for a few minutes when I was awakened by the cough again. This time there was no stopping it. It just went on and on and on. And it managed to disrupt the rest of my body's systems.
I won't go into terribly sickening details here, just suffice it to say that at one point I was using both the toilet and the waste can in the bathroom, at the same time. Even that didn't slow things down.
All that happened was now I was coughing like crazy and shivering as well. Even under two very heavy blankets and laying beside a nice warm puppy I was shivering. I was constantly in and back out of the bed. I feel sorry for my lovely wife, I have no clue how she managed to get any sleep with me doing this.
Finally the coughing slowed down and I managed to drift off to sleep. Suddenly I was awakened by a noise. It was my wife's alarm clock which I rarely ever hear. The night of torture was seemingly never going to end for me.
It was 9 a.m. and a few minutes later I finally managed to go to sleep. All of my dreams had to do with body parts so I can only imagine that I was hurting from all that coughing.
My wife let me sleep until around 3 in the afternoon, bless her soul. I was awake when she came into the room but was afraid to move enough to get up. Head to toe seemed to hurt. Even my hernia hurt!
It has been almost three hours since I got up and I am still feeling aches and pains everywhere. I am not coughing as much as I was last night so I am thankful for that. I do cough from time to time but that seems to be my normal cough.
If I never go through another night like last night it will be more than fine by me.

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