Monday, February 7, 2011

Crazy Mayor

My wife told me she saw something in her email this morning about our city mayor. Seems he wants the good citizens of his city to be able to hear artificial bird sounds because bird sounds make people happy, Okay, then. Maybe our mayor needs some drug testing done on himself. If he wants to make people here happier there are several things he could do.
First, how about giving the city employees a nice raise? then when folks come into City Hall they will be dealing with happier employees and will feel like being a little less angry about things.
Better yet, how about finding or creating more jobs around here? I saw in my local paper last week that unemployment for the area is just over 17%. Yikes! That's a lot of people out looking for work. That figure doesn't even cover all the folks that have run out of their unemployment benefits and are still out of work. This used to be such a prosperous area with the aerospace industry and all. How about fixing things there, Mr. Mayor?
In the meantime, enjoy your artificial bird sounds. As for me I prefer the genuine article. Maybe you should get outside more often, Mr. Mayor and actually experience real nature.

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