Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stuffed Or Unstuffed?

Back in very late November I got sick and by the beginning of December I had already had the "pleasure" of an ambulance ride to the Emergency Room where the ER doctors figured out I had pneumonia. It is now February and I still had not fully recovered from that sickness and my sinuses have been pretty much plugged up the whole time. My ears are still out of whack.
My daughter came down with another cold a week or so ago (this is how I got sick in the first place) and, of course, I had to get sick again. If there is a loose germ floating around this house my body will find it, I guarantee that!
This time is different though as my nose is, most of the time, running like there is no end to the mucus to get rid of. I cursed my stuffiness and now am ready to curse at being unstuffed. Some folks are just hard to please.
I do not like being ill, I know I don't have much of a life but that doesn't mean I wish to spend my days in front of a computer feeling lousy! Yesterday the cold had settled in my eyes and they wouldn't stop being teary. Hard to look at a computer screen like that.
Anyway, I am sick again. I am hopeful that this will at some point in time unclog my sinus system so maybe, just maybe, I can get back to some sense of normalcy. I would really love to have my ears pop and get my hearing back.

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