Monday, February 28, 2011

Waiting For The Goods

Here we all sit, doing whatever we do online, waiting for the UPS man to knock on the door. Me, I am waiting for them to call my cell phone to tell me, once again, that they cannot find my house.
I live in a back house that can be tough to find I suppose. While this is a pain in the rear when I order things online and they need to be delivered, I rather like living in back houses. The last house I lived in, for over fifteen years,was a back house as well. The difference there was that UPS could actually find it.
I do hope that the man shows up today. I am anxious to get my hands on my new laptop. So, here the family sits, waiting as patiently as possible. I am not good at waiting patiently for anything, but I am trying.
Keep your fingers crossed for me and my laptop :)

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