Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My first night back from the hospital was not as pleasant as I had hoped it would be. Yes, it was very nice to be home with my family and online with my friends doing things on the computer.
I plugged in the mattress warmer to help me stay warm, that part was nice too. It must have been nice, I had trouble getting my wife to move over to her side of the bed! lol
The doctor gave me 4 prescriptions to get filled. Two were pills and two were inhalers. Of the four I could only afford to get one filled. That was a pill so that was okay. The other pill, an antibiotic, was well over a hundred dollars! No way I have that kind of cash laying around. The two inhalers, Spiriva and Advair, I knew I couldn't begin to afford them either so I wasn't concerned with their cost. But, wow, a hundred bucks plus for the antibiotic? What world do these doctors live in? Certainly not mine.
I went to bed thinking how nice it would be to sleep back in my own bed, warm and comfy. The bed was warm and comfy but I could not fall asleep. I coughed only a couple of times so it wasn't that. I did doze off and on but it wasn't restful slumber. Finally around 5 a.m. I fell into a nice deep sleep and stayed that way for quite some time. I got up around noon because I really had to empty my bladder. Otherwise I might have stayed in bed longer.
One thing that I do well (normally) is sleep. When that sleep pattern is disturbed I am not a happy camper. I love to sleep! Hopefully tonight will be a better night.

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