Thursday, May 5, 2011

Green Smoke

Since I have been ordered by my city's inspector to stop smoking inside the house I have wondered how to get around such an order without getting myself into trouble. I mean, at the moment it is 90 degrees and sunny outside, nice day for being out so smoking outside isn't a problem. But, what about when the weather is cold, or rainy? So, I have begun to look more closely at these things called e cigs.
This one says that they are just like a normal cigarette but without the ashes or the smell of cigarette smoke. Also there is no need to light them, they run on rechargeable batteries. I can sit here at my computer getting some cigarette satisfaction and never worry about who comes to my door. Check out the video:

As you can see in the video, none of the smokers seem to be suffering any lack of smoking enjoyment. In fact they seem to be having a wonderful smoke! If you, like me, are tired of being hassled about smoking no matter where you go (or even in your own home) then you need to check out these e-cigs for yourself.

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