Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Need Help

I find that every day that passes I seem to get weaker and weaker. Where once an active strong body stood now stands (barely) a weak and fragile one. The simplest of things make me winded and I have to stop and rest. This affects everything I do, from getting a cup of coffee from the kitchen to looking for things I want or need.
The other day I had to find something that was in a cupboard on a higher shelf. Standing on a chair is how I got it but I was so out of breath just from the exertion of climbing onto the chair that I almost said the heck with it. What I really need for these occasions is a medical step stool.
This one would work incredibly well for my needs:

I like the fact that it not only is a step stool but also has a handrail, just in case I feel like I am falling, I can grab onto it for stability. Standing on chairs is not the safest way to go nor is it the most stable. Chairs wobble if you move too much and I can pretty much guarantee that if I fell I would beak a bone or two. I really need a step stool!
If you are like me and getting more fragile or you have a loved one that is, you owe it to yourself to look into the many step stools this website has to offer.

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