Friday, May 20, 2011

No Fun Allowed

Yesterday afternoon some of the players were in the lobby joking around and hinting that they were going to misbehave a little. One of the players said she would be willing to take one for the team and I assumed she meant getting booted from the chat box. So, as a practical joke I gave her a soft boot.
She came right back into the lobby, a little curious as to what had just happened and I explained it to her. It was a joke, and she laughed and told me she "owes me one". She thought it was funny as did all the regulars in the chat lobby. No harm, no foul :)
Then last night I went to visit a forum that has been bashing both the Mods and the site for quite some time. I go there almost every day to see what strange lies they are going to tell now LOL
Imagine my surprise to find the entire lobby chat posted there where I booted the player and we were all joking about it! The topic headline was "Mods need to learn the rules".
Yeah, okay, it is only fun when the players want to have fun and break the rules, seeing just how far they can go before they are booted. When a Mod tries to have a little fun with a player pal then that's taboo? I don't think so!
I am anxious to see how these people react when the new chat guidelines come out. Word I hear is that there will be no warnings as has been in the past. you mess up and good-bye! No warnings, just boots. Sounds good to me.
In the meantime, as a Mod, I will try to remember that I am not allowed to have any fun in the chat area. Don't hold your breath people! LMAO

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