Wednesday, May 4, 2011

House Inspection

The landlady and a man from the city came by this morning to inspect the property and the house. I knew that were coming and we all tried to do our best to make the place look presentable. Hard to do sometimes when we are somewhat on the casual side as far as housekeeping goes.
Mostly the man wanted to make sure the house was safe, was there easy access to get out in case of an emergency, did we have smoke detectors, stuff like that. I have no smoke detectors so he told the landlady she will have to get and install them, two of them. Good, as this is money I will not have to spend.
He did do one thing that rather irked me as it really is not a safety issue not any of his business. He told me (not asked) to stop smoking inside my house! I am not sure my city has the right to do that, but I agreed, if nothing else to humor the man.
He told me he will be back within the next thirty days to make a surprise inspection. I am sure that is to make sure that the house owners do put in the smoke detectors.
I hate surprise visits from people like this but I will survive, I'm positive of that. The one thing I do realize is, when he does make that visit, I better be outside smoking my cigarette!

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