Friday, April 2, 2010

Best Laid Plans

The plan was very simple. I was going to play my games earlier than usual and then get to bed at a decent hour. I did play my games early, but the last part of the plan was not to be.
I play on a site that has a chat lobby in it. The lobby is moderated by volunteers to ensure that the site rules are followed, there is no fighting,arguing, flaming, whatever. As I was about to say good night to all the folks on there I got several messages from the regular moderator asking me if I could spend more time in the lobby. He is trying to get the head mod to make me a mod too as I am often there when he is and there used to be two mods, now it's only him.
His problem is that he needs to get some rest, as he has a child to feed and care for and cannot always be in the lobby looking after things. I can understand that, I've been a parent.
So, instead of getting to bed at midnight or close to it, I was up until 3 a.m. when the next mod showed up for her scheduled three hours. I'm sure it was not making my wife all that happy but I think she was more understanding about it than usual.
I hope that they do make me a mod so I can help the site out. I'll worry about my wife and her reaction when the time comes.
In the meantime I suppose I shouldn't make any plans set in stone.

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