Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's The Wood

A long time ago, when I was a kid, we played with these things called Lincoln Logs. Lincoln Logs were basically pieces of wood that you used to construct houses and other buildings as your imagination went. Playing with these logs consumed many hours but the end results were always worth it. One can still buy these log sets so I know that they have stood the test of time.
But this blog article is not about Lincoln Logs or even toys. This article is about rustic furniture. What? You went from toys to furniture? yes, I certainly did, dear reader. Because they have something in common.
If you look up the definition of rustic you'll find that, among other things, it means of, pertaining to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural. So rustic furniture would bring your mind along the lines of simple, basic, yet useful items. Something like the wooden bench you sit on at a park while your kids are playing, right? But that is not the case here. For instance, who would consider this as "simple":

That bed took a lot of craftsmanship. Nothing simple about it at all. And, it's a lovely looking bed! This is the sort of bed that city dwellers would find themselves in when they've spent good money at a Bed and Breakfast. They certainly wouldn't look at it and call it simple.
Beds are not the only furniture the website has. They have outdoor sets, living room sets, even office furniture. Made out of wood, just like stuff we created as kids with those Lincoln Logs, only much fancier and much, much better looking.
These pieces are not just plain old wood. They cover wood from simple Cedar to Hickory and even Aspen. Whatever your tastes in wood they've got it.
And, if your mind is still in Lincoln Log mode these folks can create what your mind can see in furniture, indoors and outdoors.
So, gather up your toys and put them away. Go check out the fine pieces of rustic furniture available now.

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