Friday, April 9, 2010


Insert your favorite words of frustration here. For me I'm sure it would not be any words that I would wish to see in print. There is not much in life that is as frustrating as breaking down no matter where you are. But, imagine if it happens when you are traveling and you really have no familiar surroundings. Breaking down can be downright scary in this situation.
What can be worse than breaking down somewhere? Needing medical assistance is worse, much worse. Who would you call if you were hurt while traveling? Or if you needed a medical evacuation? What if you required an air ambulance service to get you to appropriate medical care? What if you desperately needed emergency assistance?
The answer is Good Sam Emergency Assistance Plus. Good Sam EA+ is a prepaid, medical assistance membership program. Good Sam EA+ is not travel insurance nor is it a healthcare plan. Think of Good Sam EA+ as your personal medical support team, on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, from any place you might be-even a foreign country!
Good Sam is a name that has been around and trusted for many, many years. If you have an RV you may already be a member of the Good Sam Club. That club has been assisting RV-ers for a long time, offering a variety of services for RV-ers like roadside assistance. You can be assured that this emergency service is as good as their roadside assistance plan so, if you have an RV or you simply love to travel you should definitely look into this plan.
You never know when or where you will break down and need help. And, unfortunately, you never know when something in you will break down either. Give yourself some peace of mind while traveling. Look into the Good Sam Club and all its services today.

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