Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can You Do It?

Years ago, while married to my first wife, I read in a Richard Simmon's diet book that diets don't work. Having lived all my life with people constantly trying new diets and desperate to lose weight I'd have to say that this adage is often true, they do not work.
The reason they don't work is that, for many, food is like an addiction to them. As soon as they say they are going on a diet the brain immediately wants to eat a lot. I know this is true, believe me. A couple of weeks ago my wife and daughter came home from a church musical they had attended. One of the things that came to light from the conversation was my wife telling me that she and our daughter were going to go on a diet. Have no clue where that thought came from but I, being a good husband who'd like to live, just nodded in agreement. Since that day I have seen my daughter eat constantly. A little here, a little there, but constant. She is not going to lose weight like that!
Dieting along is not going to help my daughter, nor anyone else. They need to have a little help from weight loss products. You cannot generally say "I'm going to lose weight" and have it happen. Your body is too used to having that food. It's like smokers trying to quit cold turkey. For the vast majority it just doesn't work. They need a little help to wean them off that desire to smoke. Dieters need help to wean them off their constant desire to eat.
There are as many weight loss products on the market today as there are diets. Which one will work for you? How about Fenphedra? Here are a couple of testimonials I found on the website for this product:
I can honestly say this is THE BEST weight loss pill out there. I feel AWESOME, have A LOT of energy with no side-effects whatsoever!! I started taking 8 weeks ago and along with diet & EXERCISE have lost 41 pounds. Eat right & exercise and you WILL see results FAST!! SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!

I have tried tons of fat burners and none of them have done a lick. I decided to take a chance on Fenphedra – boy was I totally blown away. It helped with my cravings and I could feel the energy boost right away. So far it has been 3 weeks and I have lost 12 pounds. Everyone should try this.

This is the most hard core fat burner I have tried. It was easy for me to swallow and didn’t give me the jitters. I was able to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks. This fat burner worked like a DREAM!
Kristina S

If you are one of the many looking to lose weight, be it for health or better looks, you should check this product out. Break free from your food habit!
Before you take this, or any product like it, you should talk to your doctor to make sure your body can handle it. I am not a medical person so my medical advice is worth nothing. I do hope you'll give it a try though and I hope you lose all the unwanted pounds you desire to lose.

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