Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Made It, Finally

Today I officially became a Moderator at one of the game sites I play on. I have been doing the Mod's job as best I could the past few weeks more or less without all of the good tools that Mods have like being able to turn off someones chat privileges if they misbehave to much.
I have to say that I seriously doubt that this tool will get that much use when I am on my normal shift as the players at that time of the day (Midnight my time) are there more for playing than hanging out in the chat lobby talking.
Occasionally there arises a problem and being a Mod I will be better able to handle those. For instance if someone is misbehaving in one of the game rooms I am now able to go into that room and leave a message asking them politely to stop. Without being a Mod I could go into the room and see what's going on but I couldn't leave a message.
So, I am looking forward to this new task every day. I will be on the site every day from Midnight my time until three in the morning.
For some strange reason they have had some trouble filling this shift. It works out perfectly for me since I am normally on the site playing during those hours anyway.
The big problem for me will be doing both the game and the lobby at the same time. Hopefully I will figure it out quickly as I don't want to have to stop playing the game during those hours just so I can babysit the lobby which is often quiet for long stretches of time.
So, congratulations to me! *Pats self on back*

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