Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Things You Learn

On a social networking site I ran across an item yesterday where people were complaining about the site using material that users had put on the site that somehow showed up on another site without the users permission. Come to find out that the second site is owned by the first. Still, it rankled a lot of people and they are not happy yet.
So, following the lemmings, I went to google and searched my username on that site. Sure enough, there I was with all my discussions. The listings were not for the site I belong to but some other site. I guess I get around the web lol
Have you ever Googled your name or username? You'd be surprised at how the searcg engine robots find out all the details of your online life, both the good and the bad. Some things you might even be embarrassed by!
When I was a kid we were always told that we shouldn't be caught doing anything that would embarrass our mothers. Time and technology has changed a lot since then but perhaps that adage should be adhered to today.
What if your mother Googled your name? Would she be shocked at who you truly are and what sites you use? Think about that!

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