Friday, April 16, 2010

Blue Light Special

No, I am not talking about someone saying "Attention Shoppers" like they used to do at KMart. I'm talking about skin care actually. What if there was a way for you to not only get rid of acne but heal your skin at the same time? And you could accomplish this feat without creams or ointments, would you be interested?
Blue light therapy is a modern discovery in the fight against acne. Unlike other acne treatment solutions such as medicated creams and expensive dermatological procedures, blue acne light therapy for acne is more effective, affordable, convenient and free from side effects. In only seconds to minutes a day you can clear up your unwanted acne while simultaneously healing your skin.
It looks somewhat like a shower head. Instead of water you get rays of light, blue (hence the name) with a bit of red thrown in to reduce inflammation of skin as well as eliminate fine lines and blemishes. Science has shown that blue light in the 405nm to 420nm spectrum is the ideal wavelength to kill bacteria, such as the P.acnes bacteria that causes acne. As the wavelength of light increases, so does its ability to penetrate further into the skin. Due to this fact, our Blue Acne Light uses two different wavelengths of blue light to treat acne. The 410nm wavelength is optimal for killing bacteria close to the surface of the skin in a short period of time, while the 450nm wavelength is slightly less effective over the same period of time, it reaches deeper into the skin killing the bacteria the shorter wavelength cannot.
So, you can effectively get the best of both worlds here. One, it can help cure and keep away your acne and secondly it can help your skin with fine lines and blemishes. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
If you are tired of the expense and bother of those skin creams that sometimes do nothing more than waster your money you owe it to yourself to give the blue light treatment a look over and see if it is right for you.

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