Sunday, January 9, 2011


Babies drool. Some people that have little to no control over their facial muscles drool. Really old people drool. So, why me? Have I, at sixty, become really old? Have I lost control of my facial muscles?
I have noticed that I have started to drool, a lot, when I am sleeping. I am hoping it is simply due to the cough drops I have been sucking on as I fall asleep so as to not keep my wife awake all night long with this silly cough. A cough, I should add, that is quite violent at times. I've had it since I got pneumonia and it hasn't gone away yet, still hacking away at whatever phlegm is still residing deep within me. It is upsetting though to awaken every day with a beard that is all wet and sticky.
I suppose I could just blame it on old age but I don't want to think of myself as being "that" old.

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