Friday, January 28, 2011


Okay...this is silly. I tried to use the update manager in Ubuntu and I have to authorize things by typing in my password which I did. Then it does absolutely nothing.
It runs a little timer on the screen for a long time then stops and does nothing. GRRRRR.
It is beginning to look more and more like I have tweaked something that is stopping Ubuntu from doing what I need it to do. I may still have to remove Ubuntu from that hard drive and start all over from scratch. I do not want to do that.
In the meantime, I am still using Ubuntu at this moment even and it is working just fine. Maybe I don't need the updates or maybe, if I am truly lucky, it will wish to do the updates by itself at a later time.
So, as long as it is working I am not going to tweak it any more, just leave it be.

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