Tuesday, January 25, 2011


While Ubuntu and Windows are very different types of programs they do share some similarities.
I upgraded yesterday from Ubuntu 10.4 to 10.10. That's a big jump but I notice that I see no differences, really. Somewhat akin to upgrading from one Windows version to another. I'm sure there are some differences but they are not noticeable at all.
I am amazed at how much faster Ubuntu can be compared to Windows XP though. The only true speed that the two share is in starting up. They both take about the same amount of time to load the basic start up programs. The difference? Windows gives you something to look at usually while Ubuntu gives you text about Ubuntu LOL
If I can ever figure out how to open the game site lobby with Ubuntu I cannot seriously see myself going back to using XP.
There are similarities, but Ubuntu takes the prize overall.

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