Thursday, January 27, 2011


I do a few PTC sites every day, some to help myself out, some to help a friend out more than me. I think he probably makes more since I am his referral than I make but it's okay.
One of the things that surprises me with the ads that I look at is how many still as, under request more information, is your telephone number. In this day and age with the internet everywhere including your cell phone why do they still ask for your phone number?
I am currently dealing with a company that has a business online. I signed up for a free trial of their service and then decided to cancel it. But, here's the corker, I cannot do this online. Say, what?
If you have a business that is online then you should be able to do everything online.
Get into the century you are in folks. The twentieth century of telephones is gone. If you do things on the net then do not ask me to call you or ask me for my phone number. It isn't going to get you anywhere.

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