Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hormonal Raging

Life with two adult females is, to say the least, interesting. Most times are pleasant enough but if one is on their period things can get argumentative at best. If both of them are periodic these are the days I really wish I could leave the house and take a very long walk lol
One of my Facebook friends posted that he is going to be a daddy again and I congratulated him. Someone else posted that they have their fingers crossed that this baby is a girl. I almost feel like telling George that if he has a girl to enjoy that girl while she is still little. Because once those hormones kick in and she starts having her cycle God only knows what you will have on your hands, still an angelic creature or the Spawn of Satan.
I never have figured out what is up with hormones and teens. I raised four boys first time around and when they hit puberty they too were way different than they had been. Some were way too rowdy and argumentative (you'd think they were having a period lol) and some were just simply rebellious without wanting to fight you at every turn.
With my daughter she was a very sweet child until she started her cycle. Then she became, often, a little bitch from Hell. You couldn't say much that didn't totally upset her to the point where she would either want to scream and holler or she would cry. Sometimes I think that hormones are God's little joke on human beings.
I wish my friend George the best, no matter what gender he gets with this baby he is going to have his hands full eventually. I just hope the baby is born healthy and normal.

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