Friday, October 28, 2011

Trade Shows

There was a time when I thought it might be nice to retire from being a custodian and travel around the country doing trade shows and selling things there. My wife and I both thought this was a workable idea, find a product that would sell, go to trade shows and set up the booth and enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, Life and now my health has gotten in the way and that plan is just that, a plan.
There are a lot of people that are looking for work and that plan may just be workable for them. Trade shows always attract large crowds and, if you have a good product, you could make some serious money at these things.
Besides a great product you also would need some sort of trade show display booth. Easy to set up and take down after the weekend is over and still functional so that customers can see what you have to offer.
My wife and I were going to do something different so that we could do a variety of trade show types. We were going to sell removable tattoos. We sold these at the local swap meet and we did pretty good with them. People could get outrageous tattoos without worrying about getting them off lol
If you have a good idea about something to sell you should look into trade shows and booths. You can enjoy both making money and travelling which is always fun.

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