Thursday, October 20, 2011


There is no such thing in my house these days as privacy. My wife and I have conversations in low tones in the kitchen and get interrupted by the twenty year old in the living room. This isn't really all that new, she has been doing it for years. Personally I wish she'd get out of the habit.
Today my wife was telling me that once it got cooler she was going to take a trash bag and pick up some loose trash around the house. Part of it is trash that blows into the yard because of the high winds we get here in the desert. Part of it is trash that fell out while my daughter was taking out the trash she collected while cleaning her room. God forbid she should pick the trash up after it falls out of the bag.
As soon as she heard her name mentioned she told her mother she would go pick up the trash, Mom said no. That's when the argument started. Arguments always start that way around this household.
If we tell the child to do something she doesn't want to do she argues or she changes how it should be done. She just likes to be disagreeable to some things. It was okay when she was thirteen or fourteen, it is getting old now that she is twenty.
I really do wish she would stop listening to our conversations. If two people are talking in hushed tones she needs to learn that that means the conversation is none of her concern. I realize that my daughter is female and females often tend to be nosy but this is ridiculous.
No privacy in a household with children, whether that number be ten or one.

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