Sunday, October 2, 2011

Doctor Visit

Tomorrow is the day, I get to see the new doctor for the first time. I am hoping all goes well. He needs to see what a crippled up, out of breath, old geezer I am so I can continue to get the right medicines to help my breathing.
To that end I am going to leave my oxygen at home so that when I am there and he is listening to my lungs he can clearly see just how much I need the medicines and the inhalers.
Because I am not totally idiotic I will take the inhaler with me, in case of a real emergency. I also will take all the prescription information so he can see what it is I am taking and the one that I ran out of already.
The only hard part of this plan of action is to get out of the house without the oxygen. I went to cash my check on Friday and the daughter threw one hell of a fit when she found I was not planning on taking the oxygen tank. It was definitely one of those days when I wished she would remember she is twenty and I am sixty, not the other way around.
I am thankful though that she at least cares enough about me to throw a fit when I want to do things like that. We did end up taking the oxygen tank but it stayed in the taxi while I went into the place to cash the check and get the rent money order. I did not tell her that though, so both of us were happy :)
Wish me luck at the doctor's office...

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