Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drama Online

Some of the game moderators on our game site have left but they didn't leave happily it seems. They are now intent on bashing the site as well as the moderators left behind and anyone that agrees with those of us left behind.
While this is bothersome to some, I don't care. I enjoy a good argument especially when I am arguing with my tongue in cheek. They think they are highly intelligent creatures but they do not seem to grasp that what I answer them on a certain social networking site is just me being facetious. I am a sarcastic person so online drama can be a lot of fun for me.
I only wish these people would realize that they are full of beans when they say that they do not think about the game site or the people they are bashing. If they were not on their minds then why spend so much time and energy bashing them?
Perhaps they should all grow up now and try to remember that they are adults. If these were kids I could understand the fuss. But these are not even young adults, they should all know better at this stage of their lives.
Meanwhile the drama continues...

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